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Microsoft School Data Sync

Using SIMS ID to provision Microsoft School Data Sync.

What is Microsoft SDS?

School Data Sync helps to automate the process of importing and synchronising Managment Information System (MIS) data with Office 365 for user within Microsoft Teams (formally Microsoft Classroom).

School Data Sync creates classes for Microsoft Teams in Office 365 for Education, which has many improvements over Classroom Preview. Once Configured when a teacher signs in to Teams, Teams will automatically display his/her synced classes and prepare them for his/her students.

How does SIMS ID Help with SDS

Customers using SIMS ID to provision their Office 365 email accounts automatically from SIMS Data using the People Service can benefit from being able to download the [sixsix CSVs[( that are required by the Microsoft SDS to import the MIS Data into the Microsoft SDS.

When creating the CSVs for you to download SIMS ID adds an identifier to each account that allows Microsoft to match the user in SDS with the correct Office 365 account to ensure your users get the best possible experince and the duplicate acconts are not created.

How do I get the SDS Files.

Site Administrators have access to the SDS reports SIMS ID provides these files as SIMS ID Reports, for details of accessing reports please see the using SIMS ID Reports Page. You will need to use the download button at the top left of the report.

The Six CSV files contain personal data - they should be handled with care and securly deleted once uploaded

I have the Six CSV files what do I need to do now?

All SDS operations are carried out from within the administration console of your Microsoft tenacy. If you do not have an account to access this please contact Support to request that your account be givent these permissions.

Once you have access to your Office 365 Admin Console, the following Video outlines how to set up your SDS service.

You can sign up for the SDS Service here

You upload your six files here

You will be presented with a screen like this


Now click on your Sync Profile in the bar to the left of the screen

This will show you the last sync status. You can also click on the Upload Files link

This will present you with the following dialogue.

Add the files you want to upload. You do not have to upload all files if the files have not changed. Organisation details will not change of a frequent basis. Once you have added the files you wish to upload, select the Upload Button.

The files will be uploaded and validated. If there are any issues with the data you will be advised.

Other wise you will recieve a success message and the uploads will be processed.

Is there an easier way to use Microsoft Teams without uploading CSVs?

Capita SIMS ID and Microsoft are activly working together to provide an automated method of populating Microsoft Teams with School MIS Data. The projected timescales on this is for it to be available to SIMS Schools in September / October 2017.