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Active Directory Account Management Adding a UPN suffix to your AD

When to add a UPN Suffix

You may need to add your SIMS ID domain suffix into your Active Directory as a UPN suffix where you have not associated that domain with your Active Directory previously.

Adding a UPN Suffix to Active Directory

You may need to add your SIMS ID domain suffix into your Active Directory as a UPN suffix to do this:

  1. Open Server Manager using the icon on the desktop taskbar, or from the Start screen.
  2. Select Active Directory Domains and Trusts from the Tools menu.
  3. In the Active Directory Domains and Trusts management console, right-click Active Directory Domains and Trusts in the left pane and select Properties from the menu.
  4. In the dialogue box on the UPN Suffixes tab, type the name of the suffix that you would like to add to your AD forest in the Alternate UPN suffixes box.

  5. Click Add

  6. Click OK.

When you have added the UPN Suffix you will be able to select this domain when you add a new user account to your Active Directory as can be seen below