SDK Provisioning Integration
Provisioning Integration
SIMS ID does not provide all the data that exists within SIMS and it is not a replacement for the rich data available through the SIMS Partner programme’s APIs; SIMS ID can pass lightweight data suitable for user provisioning and group association; this data can also be passed securely using a range of protocols.
Approaches to Provisioning
SIMS ID has a provisioning API that exposes a subset of data; Access to this API is restricted to secure access using the SIMS ID STS.
The SIMS ID Provisioning API is defined by Swagger.
Swagger is a tool used to provide a list of SIMS ID APIs. This forms the API documentation and will be available on a public URL.
The following data (subject to the agreement of the data controller) will be available for sites that are aligned with your product.
User information
Age range eg <13 / >16
Unique ID
Site information
Unique ID
API endpoint
During September a Swagger documented API will be available on the SIMS ID Partner Development Platform for Provisioning Integrators to develop against. A corresponding endpoint will be made available to Partners in the live environment.
Schools as the data controllers will need to give consent to transfer data to provisioning partners
SDK Main Page | Authentication & SSO | Provisioning Integration | SIMS ID a stable integration platform