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Managing MultiSite Users

What is Multi-Site access?

SIMS ID allows users to access more than one school with a single username and password. Once a user has access to another site, they can be given the same services and permissions that 'real' users of that site can.

How to enable a Multi-Site user

The multi-site user process can be initiated by the user's home site, a MAT may request that central staff are applied to one of the sites under the MATs control. Alternatively, the multi-site process can be initiated by the receiving site, a school may request a staff member from a nearby school be given access for support or shared staffing purposes. However, the process is initiated the receiving site has to approve the request to ensure data security.

The Multi-Site User Process Overview


A nominated contact from either site who has the relevant data controllers authority raises a multi-site user request with support. They will need to provide the name of the users as well as the destination sites. Following any necessary security checks, Support will initiate the first stage of the process.


An authorised local site administrator to initiate a Multisite user request for any SIMS ID user via the Self Service Multisite User Process.


If a Site Security Contact has been set with a valid e-mail they will receive an email notification of a pending security request

The Security Contact or another Site Admin at the receiving Site will then need to accept the Multi-Site Access request.


Once the Multi-Site Security request has been accepted the user will display along with your other users you can then manage them in the same way you manage other users. Amongst the things you can do are:

  • Manage Passwords
  • View their profile
  • Assign them to other services like:
    • Hosted SIMS, Discover, FMS etc.
    • Office 365
    • Google
  • Elevate the users to be a Site Administrator


Only required for Multi-Site HOSTED SIMS users After the multi-site user has been granted security groups they must be manually mapped up inside SIMS SYSTEM Manager.

To prevent issues and the use of Hosted Licences this must not be done until after security groups have been applied.

Managing Security Requests

Accepting and declining Security Requests

Reviewing and Removing Multisite Access

Determining a user's Originating site