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What is a Login Alias

The Login alias is an alternative username, that a user can use to sign into SIMS ID.

A user will be able to login with the Alias or with their provisioned SIMS ID username.

For users where SIMS ID is used to sign into Office 365 or Google, they will be able to use this Alias, or either their Office 365 or Google usernames to log in to SIMS ID.

Managing Your Login Alias'

To reset your password click on the “Hello your name” (top right of screen) and choose 'Change Password'

Once in your profile click on the "My Identities" tab to open a drop-down menu where you can click on the " My Login Alias' " to be taken to the alias' page

Once the alias has been verified you will be able to login into SIMS ID with it alongside your SIMS ID account. The alias will also be added to a list of verified alias' for your SIMS ID account that you will be able to switch between when you want.