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Technical Integrator Application Management


The Technical Integrator application is only available to Technical Integrators. It is where Technical Integrators can:

Application Management overview

The Application Management Interface allows a Technical Integrator to:

  • Create new Applications
  • Manage Existing Applications
  • Delete Applications.

The Application Management Interface

The Application Management Interface displays any applications that exist for the Technical Integrator.

The display shows: * The application Name - this is unique * The Tile name, or an X where a tile has not yet been created * The approval status of the Application - a date is shown for the last change to the approval status

There are facilities to change the number of displayed applications and search for an application

Managing existing Applications

Next to each Application, there are options to Edit the Application and Delete the application.

Applications that are installed at a site and Approved can not be deleted. Applications will need to be un-approved in My Customers or My Applications prior to deletion

Creating a new Application

Click on the 'Add New Application Button' oo be taken to the Manage Application function to create a new Application