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eMail based account registration

Registering for a SIMS ID account.

You cannot register for a SIMS ID account unless you have been sent an invite with a valid registration code

When you receive an invite to a product that uses a SIMS ID account you are able to create an account using either a third-party account such as Twitter, Facebook, Google or Microsoft account or by registering a SIMS ID account using an email address.

How to register a SIMS ID account using an email address

Route 1 - Clicking the link in the invite e-mail

When you receive the invite email for SIMS Parent, SIMS Pay or another SIMS product it contains a link to register an account.

You can click on this link and you will be taken to a page similar to this.

All screenshots are taken from a SIMS Parent App registration. SIMS Pay or otherOther products may be slightly different but the process is identical. If you are unsure please use Route 2 below

When you click on the link you will be taken to this page.

If you want to register with a 'third-party account' only please click on the 'Register with an External Account" button. You will then be able to click on the name of the provider you wish to use and follow the onscreen prompts. We advise customers to register with an email address. You are able to add a third-party account later

You can now register with an e-mail address and password. On this screen

This video explains the process of registering and validating an account.

Or visit

Route 2. - Going directly to the registration page

When you receive an invite to the Parent App or other SIMS Product.

Use your web browser to go to

This will take you to the Registration Page.

You can register with an email address and password using the invite code in the invite.

This video explains the process of registering and validating an account.

Or visit